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ASHI Background Verified Inspector

Do you know the background of the home inspector entering your home? Do they have a criminal record? Are they sex offenders? The fact is that many home owners don’t consider these possibilities and put themselves and their belongings at risk every day. The ASHI Background Verified Inspector program conducts a background check on the inspectors entering your home to help bring you peace of mind that your home will be safe. Trust only the professional home inspector that displays this logo and has the identification card to support.


In effort to maintain the highest standards in the home inspection industry, T2 Home Services' Professional Inspectors have voluntarily undergone and passed full background checks through the American Society of Home Inspectors Background Verified Inspector program (BVI). Here are the details of that program:


Background Verified Inspector (BVI)


Issuer: American Society of Home Inspectors



This badge was earned by completing a background check every two years through The American Society of Home Inspectors.

LIABILITY DISCLAIMER Sterling Talent Solutions (Sterling) provides the criminal background information for ASHI’s Background Verified Inspector® Program (BVI®). ASHI urges consumers to contact Sterling to understand the details, limitations, and conditions of the criminal background information that Sterling provides. ASHI does not investigate an inspector’s background, and it does not evaluate an inspector’s technical qualifications to perform an inspection. ASHI, its officers, directors and employees assume no liability whatsoever to any party for the inspector and the inspection.



-Active Membership in American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) -Completed background check through Sterling Talent Solutions which includes: -Social Security Number Trace -County Criminal Records -Nationwide Criminal Records -Department of Justice Sex Offender Database -Locator Select which includes over 3,500 jurisdictions.  Inspectors are required to re-submit their information every two years in order to continue to receive this certification.


About the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI):

In 1976, a group of visionary home inspectors with the common goal of building consumer awareness and enhancing the professionalism of their field established the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI). This not-for-profit professional association for home inspectors made its first order of business to establish and advocate high standards of practice and a strict code of ethics for the member community.The Mission of ASHI is to set and promote standards for property inspections and to provide the educational programs needed to achieve excellence in the profession and to meet the needs of our members.


ASHI is the most respected professional association for home inspectors in North America. Through ASHI’s continued efforts, ASHI's Standards of Practice—covering all of a home's major systems—are now part of many pieces of state legislation and are recognized by consumers as the authoritative standard for professional home inspection.


Mark Townsend - Owner

T2 Home Services


The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.  Proverbs 12:15 NIV


©2021 by T2 Home Services. Pendleton, Oregon

OR CCB 218324 - OCHI 2148 - WA LIC 20118644


Proud Supporter of Buckaroo Rodeo Bible Camp

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