What is Radon?
Radon is a Class-A carcinogen, cancer-causing radioactive gas. You can’t see radon, and you can’t smell it or even taste it, but it may be a problem in your home. Radon is estimated to cause over 20,000 thousand deaths each year. That’s because when you breathe air containing radon, the particles attach to your lungs and can cause lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high. The good news is, it is detectable and can be removed or reduced to safe levels in your home.
How Do I Know if Radon is in My Home
Since Radon is an inert, invisible, odorless gas, the only way to know if it is present, is to test for it. Testing for Radon in your home or business can be done accurately and quickly utilizing various detection methods. For best results, the EPA recommends that testing for Radon be completed by a Certified Radon Measurement Professional, utilizing approved testing methods.
T2 Home Services is fully trained, certified and utilizes only NRPP* registered Radon detection devices and in most situations can provide accurate Radon level information in under 60 hours. Both short term and long term testing options are available to residents and business of NE Oregon and SE Washington. State of the art testing equipment is utilized on time sensitive tests that allow our clients to receive an accurate report on the same day the test is completed. This completely eliminates the wait period for results to come back from a lab which is an added bonus during real estate transactions.
* National Radon Proficiency Program
In order to make your home a safer place, we first need to test the home for the presence of Radon. This can be done at any time, or as part of a real estate transaction as recommended by the EPA. In most situations the test can be completed in less than 60 hours with results available shortly following the test.
In the event tested levels exceed the EPA recommendations for mitigation, you will be referred to a specialist to discuss your options. Mitigation systems can usually be installed for under $2k and are shown to significantly reduce or eliminate Radon levels in homes and businesses.
Making Your Home Safe
For All Generations